
Girl blowing bubbles

Comprehensive care in every dental visit. Your oral and overall wellness is our priority and we look forward to serving you with the highest quality of care.



Emergencies aren't planned. Our goal is to help you when they happen. From chipped teeth and severe toothaches to swollen jaws, our experienced clinicians offer reliable and requisite care for immediate treatment.


A dental crown restores a tooth’s shape, size, and strength.

Dental Fillings

From thorough assessment to gentle removal of decay and precise restoration, our skilled team is dedicated to preventing further decay and restoring the look and function of your teeth.

Dental Hygiene

Essential for good oral hygiene, regular dental checkups are the most effective way to identify issues at their early stages, which prevents discomfort and saves both time and money.

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a thin, protective coating that is painted onto your back teeth to protect them from cavities for years to come.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens your teeth enamel. A dentist can painlessly apply topical fluoride to the surface of your teeth to protect against decay.

Mouth Guard

Protect your smile proactively with personalized and removable mouth guards. Whether engaging in contact sports, dealing with teeth grinding, or managing jaw disorders, our custom solutions ensure your smile stays safe and sound.

Root Canal/Endodontics

An endodontic treatment, also known as a root canal, can save a severely injured, cracked, or decayed tooth when the pulp (and we’re not talkin’ orange juice) becomes inflamed or infected.

Space Maintenance

When a baby tooth is lost too early, your pediatric dentist may recommend a space maintainer to prevent future space loss and dental problems.

Teeth Bonding

Experience a painless transformation with teeth bonding, a cosmetic dental procedure that involves applying a tooth-colored composite resin to cover minor gaps and imperfections for a beautiful and natural-looking new smile. 


Accurate diagnosis requires a complete understanding of your mouth, so we use the latest dental imaging technology available to detect issues such as gum disease, tumors, cysts, infections, and abscesses.

Teeth Extractions

Tooth extraction is a routine dental procedure that involves removing or pulling a tooth from the bone and gums.

Teeth Whitening

The procedure involves using bleaching agents to lighten the color of teeth and enhance their appearance.


Partial and complete dentures are both great options for adults with missing teeth.

Pulp Therapy

Pulp therapy aims to repair the damage and preserve any healthy pulp, so that your child’s primary tooth remains intact until it naturally falls out.


Dental restorations used to repair teeth with moderate damage or decay. Inlay fit within the cusps of a tooth and onlays extend over one or more cusps.

Scaling and Root Planing

A dental procedure that removes plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline. When combined with diligent oral care, it can become your armour against future plaque buildup.

Tooth Bridges

Anchored to your existing teeth, a custom dental bridge provides a natural-looking and functional replacement for missing teeth.


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Your Smile is Our Priority
Contact us today and let’s work together to achieve a healthier smile and happier you. Your oral health journey starts with uss.